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[Taler] GNU Taler was suggested to Brazil's Central Bank

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: [Taler] GNU Taler was suggested to Brazil's Central Bank
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 10:05:09 -0300
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Following Brazil's Central Bank announcement of a work group for
studying a way to standarduze an instant payment system, I and other
Brazilians[1] sent an email to the related work group suggesting the
fostering and direct contribution to GNU Taler.

In the message we also me tioned the "taxable" part of GNU Taler.

I don't know if Brazil's Central Bank have read and
considered/registered the suggestion, since I got no e-mail so far about

What we didn't mention, that occurred to me to be also of good note is
that perhaps this can be an opportunity for Brazilian government to help
GNU Taker by making the software able to generate what Brazilians call
"Nota Fiscal Eletrônica" (abbreviated as "NFE", " NFe", "NF-e"; term
which is translated to English as: electronic fiscal note/document). The
document is plain .XML file which uses some sort of XML schema, but I
don't know much besides that.

Physical/printed/paper and also .PDF versions of the NF-e are called by
similar name, but removing the "e"/" electronic"/"eletrônica" part of
the name/abbreviation.

As a side note, I'm currently struggling to get any personal/direct
email address from any person inside Brazil's Central Bank since their
site requires non-free JavaScript (blocked by GNU LibreJS), or some
non-free browser (like Chrome, Chromium, Iridium, Firefox, etc). I found
the work group's email address for receiving proposals, but I still
don't know if it was effective and if the suggestion will be considered.

# References


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