G'day Mayank,
It seems like the swfviewer.swf file that you're using is probably one of the ones that ships with swftools. If so, you need to simply change "viewpoint" to "viewport" and it should work.
Once you create your own viewer you will be able to pick the viewport element's name yourself (you could call it "foo" or "steve" if you like).
For now, I think it's just a typo in your command.
—Kit On 25/11/2010, at 2:01 PM, Mayank Jain wrote:
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Chris <address@hidden> wrote:
On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 16:04:17 -0500
Mayank Jain < address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can some one please guide me how to use swfcombine to combine some swfviewer
> with a swf generated from pdf2swf.
> I run following command
> #pdf2swf -z -S -w fromjod.pdf -o poesie-book.swf; swfcombine -z
> swfviewer.swf viewpoint="poesie-book.swf" -o poesie-book.swf
> and I got an error message.
> WARNING Didn't find anything named viewpoint in file. No substitutions will
> occur.
> What is the concept behind the viewpoint. Can some one please suggest how to
> fix this.
The swf file you are using as the viewer, has to have an object inside it which
can contain/constrain the swf file you want to view. In the case of the viewers supplied with the swftools distribution, this container object just happens to have been given the name 'viewport'. This object can however be a name of your own
So, for your given example to work as is, 'swfviewer.swf' must contain an object
named 'viewpoint', because,
Can you please guide me how to find which object is there?
swfcombine -z swfviewer.swf viewpoint="poesie-book.swf" -o poesie-book.swf
means, load the file 'poesie-book.swf' into the object 'viewpoint' which is inside
the file 'swfviewer.swf'
I need to create a viewer, so any pointer for that too. I want to convert ppt to swf. Which I am able to do with the help of the openoffice and pdf2swf converter. The SWF doesn't have a good interface. So can you please guide me how can I create an interface for that, any existing one? or some pointer to create a new one.
Regards, Mayank Jain
To see how this works with at the swfc/as2 script level, see the section entitled
'Load another SWF' from the SWFTools wiki,