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Sub-sub-swarming and Zones

From: Kerimcan Ozcan
Subject: Sub-sub-swarming and Zones
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 00:18:31 -0500 (EST)

Here is a problem that has stalled my work for three days now. I am using
simpleExperBug as a template. What I have is an ExperSwarm, a
ModelSwarm, and a Generator (which is another swarm nested in ModelSwarm).
I have not been able to activate the Generator within modelSwarm. I must
be screwing up the Zones.. 

Here are relevant excerpts from the code (run-time error messages and
comments follow at the end):

/////////////////  from main.m   ////////////////////
  [experSwarm buildActions];
  [experSwarm activateIn: nil]; 

//////////////// from ExperSwarm.m /////////////////
- buildActions
  experActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
  [experActions createActionTo: self    message: M(buildModel)];
  experSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [experSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  experSchedule = [experSchedule createEnd];
  [experSchedule at: 0 createAction: experActions];

- activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [experSchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

- buildModel
  modelSwarm = [ModelSwarm create: self];
  [modelSwarm buildObjects];
  [modelSwarm buildActions];
  [modelSwarm activateIn: nil];

/////////////////// from ModelSwarm.m //////////////////
- buildActions
  modelActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
  [modelActions createActionTo: self message: M(buildGenerator)];
  modelSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [modelSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  modelSchedule = [modelSchedule createEnd];
  [modelSchedule at: 0 createAction: modelActions]; 

- activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [modelSchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

- buildGenerator
  generator = [Generator create: self];
  [generator buildObjects];
  [generator buildActions];
  [generator activateIn: nil];

/////////////////// from Generator.m /////////////////
- buildActions
  generatorActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
.. //bunch of actions//
  generatorSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [generatorSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  generatorSchedule = [generatorSchedule createEnd];
  [generatorSchedule at: 0 createAction: generatorActions];

- activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [generatorSchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

It compiles fine but here is the run-time error message:

Zone_c.Creating does not recognize allocIVars:
      0 [sig] C2NS 2117 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to

Now when I go to Generator.m methods above and change each of the zones to
[self getZone] I get the following run-time error message:

      0 [main] C2NS 2175 handle_exceptions: Exception:
   4594 [main] C2NS 2175 stackdump: Dumping stack trace to

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions and help on this problem since I
seem to be stalled by a problem which has little to do with my substantive

Kerimcan Ozcan
University of Michigan

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