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Re: LispArchiver

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: LispArchiver
Date: 28 Apr 2000 20:18:29 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "CS" == Charles Staelin <address@hidden> writes:

CS> I was really trying to figure out what I should do with
CS> simpleExperSwarm in the Java tutorial since the way it saves
CS> results to a file is depreciated.  I could, of course, just use
CS> Java file I/O, but I thought that there might be some benefit to
CS> making use of LispArchiver.  I haven't thought this through, but
CS> if LispArchiver formatted output files in the same way it expects
CS> input files, the results could be used to restart a simulation.

Great, thanks! 

I went ahead and did this for Objective C:


1. dump the OutFile, set up an archiver instead
2. don't set up a parameter manager ProbeMap
3. eliminate the text output in logResults
4. changed the printParameters method to use the archiver instead of 

I updated the README to reflect these changes, but it could use more 
description about loading HDF5 files in R and the USE_LISP preprocessor option.

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