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Re: [Rao Jinghai <address@hidden>] Help on Selector

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: [Rao Jinghai <address@hidden>] Help on Selector
Date: 09 Apr 2000 19:47:28 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

RJ> I need to pass variable i as an argument to the getStrength method

#import <simtools.h>
#import <defobj/Create.h>
#import <simtoolsgui/GUISwarm.h>
#import <analysis.h> // ActiveGraph
#import <gui.h> // Graph, GraphElement
#import <random.h> // uniformDblRand

#define COUNT 12

@interface Database: CreateDrop
- (double)getAgentValue: (double)offset;

@implementation Database

- (double)getAgentValue: (double)offset
  return [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 0.0 withMax: 1.0] + offset;

@interface ObserverSwarm: GUISwarm
  id <Schedule> schedule;
  id <Graph> graph;
  id <ActiveGraph> graphers[COUNT];
- createEnd;
- buildActions;
- step;

@implementation ObserverSwarm

const char *colors[COUNT] = {
  "blue", "orange", "yellow", "green",
  "red", "purple", "violet", "cyan",
  "grey50", "darkgreen", "goldenrod", "seagreen"

- createEnd
  unsigned i;
  [super createEnd];

    id database = [Database create: globalZone];

    graph = [Graph create: globalZone];
    [graph setTitle: "Graph"];
    [graph pack];

    for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
        id <GraphElement> graphElement;
        id <ActiveGraph> grapher;
        char buf[1 + DSIZE (unsigned) + 1];

        graphElement = [graph createElement];        
        sprintf (buf, "S%u", i);
        [graphElement setLabel: buf];
        [graphElement setColor: colors[i]];
        grapher = [ActiveGraph createBegin: globalZone];
        [grapher setElement: graphElement];
        [grapher setDataFeed: database];
        [grapher setProbedSelector: M(getAgentValue:)];
        graphers[i] = [grapher createEnd];
          char valbuf[DSIZE (unsigned) + 1];

          sprintf (valbuf, "%u", i);
          [graphers[i] setArg: 0 ToString: valbuf];
  return self;

- buildActions
  schedule = [[[Schedule createBegin: self]
                setRepeatInterval: 1]
  [schedule at: 0 createActionTo: self message: M(step)];
  return self;

- step
  unsigned i;

  for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
    [graphers[i] step];
  [actionCache doTkEvents];
  return self;

- activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [schedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

main (int argc, const char **argv)
  id observerSwarm;

  initSwarm (argc, argv);

  observerSwarm = [ObserverSwarm create: globalZone];

  [observerSwarm buildObjects];
  [observerSwarm buildActions];
  [observerSwarm activateIn: nil];
  [observerSwarm go];
  return 0;

Local Variables:
compile-command: "$SWARMHOME/bin/libtool-swarm --mode=link gcc -o activegraph 
-Wall -Werror -g -Wno-import -I$SWARMHOME/include/swarm -L$SWARMHOME/lib/swarm 
activegraph.m -lswarm -lobjc"

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