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Re: Development environment (BIS)

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Development environment (BIS)
Date: 08 Jan 2000 09:39:43 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "MY" == Murat Yildizoglu <address@hidden> writes:

MY> Given that learning a new language does not
MY> really afraid me, what is your advice?

1) The Java Swarm API is a large subset of the Objective C Swarm API.

2) It's harder to write inconsistent programs in Java than it is in
   Objective C.  However use of Java reflection is a necessary part of 
   using Java with Swarm, so there are times when Java's stronger typing
   is sidestepped and thus the opportunity for indirect problems.  Debugging
   these problems are aided by using gdb, a `C thing'.

3) There is less opportunity for memory leaks in Java.  However, the
   objects that Swarm touches (not necessarily all that many) are kept
   until dropped (either implicitly by Swarm, or explicitly).

4) Java (inclusive of libraries and tools) is better documented than
   Objective C.  There is more expertise on Java than Objective C.

5) It's not hard to learn Objective C, especially if you know other 
   computer languages. 

6) The machinery that calls scheduled actions is still Objective C.
   That may not always be the case, but will be for the next few releases.

7) My impression is that there are a quite a few people that use
   Objective C Swarm but don't really know how to use gdb.  I suppose
   for these people debugging is done by tomography and by scrutinizing
   model code.  These folks might as well use Java.

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   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
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