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A problem with getClass method of DefinedObject?

From: William S. Shu
Subject: A problem with getClass method of DefinedObject?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 13:54:01 +0100

The code:
@interface address@hidden
    id pers;

      // create Person with default world, value space and swarm
      pers = [self createAgent: [Person class]];
compiles well, likewise the code:
    id pers;

      // create Person with default world, value space and swarm
      pers = [self createAgent: [Person getClass]];
where getClass is the corresponding method for the Objective-C's class
method above.

Unfortunately, inside createAgent at runtime, ) when I use Swarm's getClass,
createBegin: fails  with a Segmentation fault (memory access violation).
Relevant code for createAgent is:

- (id) createAgent: (Class) aClass {   // create Agent w min defaults

   id agt;

  // Create the agent, set his world, valueSpace and swarm
  agt = [aClass createBegin: [self getZone]];

The question is: Am I using getClass illegally (the manual does not have
this option for class objects) or should getClass be swarm's answer to
Objective-C's class method?  I seem to recall from some discussion that it
was (or was to be?) the same as the class method.



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