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NT4.0 installation problem

From: Lee, Robert
Subject: NT4.0 installation problem
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 16:07:27 -0700


I've searched the archive and did find my problem described to the letter
but the only follow up I found was a question regarding the value of Path in
Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Environment/User Variables from Marcus
Daniels.  I'll restate the problem I'm experiencing.
Installing Gygwin b20.1 went just fine. I made a /tmp and /bin directory and
I placed a copy (not a link) of sh.exe in /bin per the installation
instructions.  Installing swarm 1.4.1 I encountered a Severe Error: PathSet
Failure error at the 89% complete point.  When I check, I find the /bin
empty - the sh.exe file is gone.
My "path" in Control Panel/System/Environment panel is: 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT;C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio\Common\Tools;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\bin;c:\program files\devstudio\sharedide\bin\ide;c:\program
files\devstudio\sharedide\bin;c:\program files\devstudio\vc\bin
In the bash window, env|grep PATH is:
Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/Common/Tools/WinNT:/Program Files/Microsoft
Visual Studio/Common/MSDev98/Bin:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual
Studio/Common/Tools:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/bin:/program
files/devstudio/sharedide/bin:/program files/devstudio/vc/bin
So it looks like the path had stuff added to the front.  Does anyone know
what my problem is?  Thank you.

-- Robert

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