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Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Follow up question

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Follow up question
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 17:13:09 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050720)

I am sorry, I do not recall the thread that this question is based on. I'm working in a lab now where I don't have access to my folders.

But I wonder if there is not confusion between "action group" and "Schedule" and "Concurrent Group". If you put anything into a Schedule at a time, then Swarm handles the problem of creating a collection to hold that thing at that time. The way those things are processed is a reflection of your settings for Concurrency.

If you want to insert things at times, and you want them managed in certain ways, the customize schedule feature can be used. If you grab the code for the Opinion model from my web site, you can look in there and see one variant where I customize a schedule object.

Vijay wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply alex.
I searched the mailing list archives like you mentioned and found this 
\"reasonably\" clear posting by Paul Johnson on this issue.


This is a relevant passage from the above link:
Each agent first of all has to have a \"handle\" on an action group that exists on the schedule at time 2. If
     there is no action group there yet, then one has to be created and
     returned.  That\'s what this method in the Schedule class does:

- (id <ActionGroup>)insertGroup: (timeval_t)tVal If the agent catches the return from that, ie with mySubSchedule=[theSchedule insertGroup: 2];

However, in the above post, PJ never mentions how one can check whether or not a subschedule has already been created for a given time. Further, if it has been created, then is there a method in the schedule class that returns the corresponding subschedule object for a given time?

Thanks again,

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