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Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Modelling time as a real number - Total Newbie

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Modelling time as a real number - Total Newbie
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 06:55:27 -0700

>>>>> "V" == Vijay   writes:

V> Hi, I am trying to implement dynamic scheduling for an agent based
V> model as follows. Whenever an event is executed the next
V> interaction with the agent involved in the current event is
V> scheduled at a random time in the (simulated) future which is
V> picked from a continuous distribution. However I noticed that the
V> swarm schedule collection handles time as an unsigned long int. So
V> is there an easy way that an event based scheduling can be
V> implemented within the swarm framework where time increases as a
V> real number?

V> Thanks a lot in advance.  Vijay


There was a discussion thread on this very topic of non-integer
timesteps back in April:


Also, you might want to search the mailing list archives via Google
(use "site:www.swarm.org keyword1 keyword2") as the question has come
up before on this list.


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