Am 12. Februar 2020 19:50:23 MEZ schrieb address@hidden:
Hi people!
Once again, we are applying as a mentoring organization for GSOC 2020.
At this point, we need to populate our ideas page with projects [1].
This should be done before this Thursday (yes tomorrow). So, if you
want your GNU package to participate in GSOC, please send us your ideas
to address@hidden ASAP!
For each project idea, we need:
- Name of the GNU program.
Example: GNU poke.
- Summary of the project/idea.
Example: DWARF to Poke translator
- Little paragraph explaining the project/idea.
- Skills required.
Example: Good knowledge of DWARF, C programming.
- Contact address for interested students.
Example: address@hidden
If you have an external page where you are documenting your ideas, then
please send us the URL so we can list it in the main page.
Sorry for the late notice!
And thanks! :)