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Module default voice

From: Raphaël POITEVIN
Subject: Module default voice
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 11:36:50 +0200

Dear team,

I'm writing a module for Kali, a TTS developed by a french university 
since 1999: http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/Demonstration-de-Kali.html

Don't confuse wih Kali Linux of course.

I manage to write a function kali_test_voice(char *voice) to set voice. 
It works when teh voice is explicitly named, but I don't manage to set 
the right voice wehn "default voice" parameter is selected. I noticed 
the function UPDATE_STRING_PARAMETER(voice.name, kali_set_voice) is not 
called in that situation.

For the moment, I don't parse any kali.conf. Maybe could it be the kes 
of the problem.

Where should I look through the module's code?

Thank you for your help.

Hypra S.A.S.
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