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Re: [Simulavr-devel] avrtest vs simulavrxx

From: Joel Sherrill
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] avrtest vs simulavrxx
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 15:35:38 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090320)

address@hidden wrote:
On Fri May  8 13:43 , Joel Sherrill  sent:
I think I have tracked one down to this feature in
avrtest that (I think) is not in simulavrxx and
is probably the culprit

       "  -d           Initialize SRAM from .data (for ELF program)\n"

This sets a flag which is used later only to do this:

       /* Also copy in SRAM.  */
       if (flag_initialize_sram && vaddr >= DATA_VADDR)
           memcpy(cpu_data + vaddr - DATA_VADDR,
                  cpu_flash + addr, filesz);

The avrtest crt0.S code doesn't appear to copy
initialized data into RAM.

crt0.S is avr assembly code that C programs execute before main?

Yes. It is attached.
Any thoughts on how to implement this in simulavrxx?

I'd expect it to look a lot like the code that initializes the flash.

Perhaps the question is how to generate avr code that uses it?
I think that with gnu tools the compilation stage could be left alone.
The startup code could be mostly eliminated.
I think it would just have to assign the stack pointer.
The linker script would need to be changed.

Josh is porting RTEMS to the AVR for the Google Summer of
Code and Eric is his mentor.  I am helping with the RTEMS issues.
RTEMS has its own tool chain (similar to avr tools) but each
Board Support Package has its own assembly language initialization.

I am beginning to think that by using the start code and linker
script that were recommended for avrtest, I have created problems.
I should move to the ones from the regular tools or at least ensure
the avrtest provided one does the same things.
Michael Hennebry
"War is only a hobby."
---- Msg sent via MyMail -

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
address@hidden        On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
  Support Available             (256) 722-9985

#define SPL 0x3d
#define SPH 0x3e
#define SREG 0x3f
#define RAMPZ 0x3b

#define RAMEND (64 * 1024)

        .weak   __stack
        .set    __stack, RAMEND - 1

        .weak   __heap_end
        .set    __heap_end, 0

        .section .vectors,"ax",@progbits
        .global __vectors
        .func   __vectors
        jmp     __init

        .section .init0,"ax",@progbits
        .weak   __init
;       .func   __init
        .section .init2,"ax",@progbits
        clr     r1
        out     0x3f, r1
        ldi     r28,lo8(__stack)
        ldi     r29,hi8(__stack)
        out     SPH, r29
        out     SPL, r28

        /* Only for >64K devices with RAMPZ, replaces the default code
           provided by libgcc.S which is only linked in if necessary.  */

        .section .init4,"ax",@progbits
        .global __do_copy_data
        .global __do_clear_bss
#if 0
        ldi     r17, hi8(__data_end)
        ldi     r26, lo8(__data_start)
        ldi     r27, hi8(__data_start)
        ldi     r30, lo8(__data_load_start)
        ldi     r31, hi8(__data_load_start)
        ldi     r16, hh8(__data_load_start)
        out     RAMPZ, r16

        cpi     r26, lo8(__data_end)
        cpc     r27, r17
        breq    1f
        elpm    r0, Z+
        st      X+, r0
        rjmp    0b

        .section .init9,"ax",@progbits
        call    main
        jmp     exit
;       .endfunc

        .global exit
        .func   exit
exit:   out 0x2f, r0

        .global abort
        .func   abort
abort:  out 0x29, r0

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