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[Simulavr-devel] Interrupts and timer 0

From: James Fitzsimons
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Interrupts and timer 0
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 22:55:02 +0100

Hi all,

I am just starting out with AVR development and simulavr and am trying
to get a simple program running that sets up timer 0 (on a at90s8515) to
generate an overflow interrupt and toggle the state of a flag.

I have managed to get Simulavr running and displaying register
information using simulavr-disp. I have also managed to get DDD to
connect to simulavr and am able to step through my program.

However, it seems that the value of TCNT0 isn't being incremented as I
expected, and the ISR I have setup to handle the overflow interrupt is
never called...

Strangely though, if I just run the program I get the following output
on the command line where I ran simulavr from:

MESSAGE: file avrcore.c: line 748: Raising irq # 10 [IRQ_TIMER0_OVF at
MESSAGE: file avrcore.c: line 748: Raising irq # 10 [IRQ_TIMER0_OVF at
MESSAGE: file avrcore.c: line 748: Raising irq # 10 [IRQ_TIMER0_OVF at

Is there a bit of a howto somewhere or could someone give me some brief
instructions on how to debug using interrupts?

Thanks for any and all assistance you can provide,
James Fitzsimons

It's 5.50 a.m.... Do you know where your stack pointer is ? 

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