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Re: [Simulavr-devel] status report

From: reinhard . jessich
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] status report
Date: Sat Feb 23 11:00:02 2002

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Theodore A. Roth wrote:
> Hi All,
> Since the list has so quite I thought I'd send out a status report on what 
> I've been doing.
I am still very busy with the basement of my house. If this is ready I will
continue with the house. So I think I will be quiet in the next two months, too.
But it still want to help you if I have time.


> I did find and fixed another bug in the decoder.c today which would most
> likely never have been found without the test system.
The second one, that was found with the regression test system, I think.


> I started to clean up the header files but it has been interrupted by 
> regression stuff. What's the consensus on one big header file versus a 
> header file for each C module? I'm leaning toward the latter, but am not 
> sure what I want to do.
I prefer the latter one, because this helps to create the software more object
oriented. But from my experience you will need one top level header file,
which defines some structs or constants, which are needed in more than one
header file.

It is allowed to use nested header files, but only as long as this is really
necessary. I will explain this.

If you have a memory allocation object, you will have a header file for it. The
header file will define only the interface of the memory allocation object.
Keep it as much simple as possible.
If you use an other object as member in the memory allocation object, for
example a stack object, you need to include the header file of the stack in the
header file of the memory allocation object. This is necessary to be able to
use the memory allocation object in an other file without including the header
file of the stack.

I try to minimize this necessary includes. One method is to use pointers (or
referencies in C++) to member objects. Such a pointer (reference) member
need only a forward declaration not the whole header file of the member.

Enough of the theorethical stuff. I hope I could explain what I mean.


 Ing. Reinhard Jessich              mailto: address@hidden
 A-1190 Vienna, Goergengasse 2/2/1  phone: +43/1/3692600 mobile: +43/664/1735439

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