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Re: [shell-script] shell1line

From: Ivan lopes
Subject: Re: [shell-script] shell1line
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 21:47:00 -0300

Iniciado ....

  # Extract many files:
  $ ls *.tgz| sed 's/^/tar xvzf /'| sh

  # prompt
  Ctrl + a - Jump to the start of the line
  Ctrl + b - Move back a char
  Ctrl + c - Terminate the command
  Ctrl + d - Delete from under the cursor
  Ctrl + e - Jump to the end of the line
  Ctrl + f - Move forward a char
  Ctrl + k - Delete to EOL
  Ctrl + l - Clear the screen
  Ctrl + r - Search the history backwards
  Ctrl + R - Search the history backwards with multi occurrence
  Ctrl + u - Delete backward from cursor
  Ctrl + w - Delete backward a word
  Ctrl + xx - Move between EOL and current cursor position
  Ctrl + x @ - Show possible hostname completions
  Ctrl + z - Suspend/ Stop the command

  Alt + < - Move to the first line in the history
  Alt + > - Move to the last line in the history
  Alt + ? - Show current completion list
  Alt + * - Insert all possible completions
  Alt + / - Attempt to complete filename
  Alt + . - Yank last argument to previous command
  Alt + b - Move backward
  Alt + c - Capitalize the word
  Alt + d - Delete word
  Alt + f - Move forward
  Alt + l - Make word lowercase
  Alt + n - Search the history forwards non-incremental
  Alt + p - Search the history backwards non-incremental
  Alt + r - Recall command
  Alt + t - Move words around
  Alt + u - Make word uppercase
  Alt + back-space - Delete backward from cursor

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