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[Savannah-users] Mime-types issues

From: list
Subject: [Savannah-users] Mime-types issues
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 17:58:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Am Montag, dem 12. Jan 2009 schrieb Sylvain Beucler:

> Let us know if one of the download mirrors is slow!
> Our tools allow us to check if a mirror is up-to-date, but can't check if it
> has bandwidth issues.  We'll retire slow mirrors and contact their maintainers
> to see if this can be improved.

The server is not slow, but it sends signature-files
with the wrong mime-type. Please set up a policy for some often used 

The best way to configure apache for signature files would be this:

AddType application/pgp-signature .sig

# make sure, .sig-files are _not_ send with "Content-Encoding: gzip"
<Files *.gz.sig>
  RemoveEncoding .gz


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