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[Savannah-hackers] Savannah (hackers) update

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Savannah (hackers) update
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 23:34:46 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/

With no real order,

Past 2-3 weeks:

- Upgraded to Savane, temporarily merged local changes in the code,
  tested the installation

- Cleared the list of confirmed and recent pending requests

- Discussed policies with Richard Stallman, and with help of Dave

- Sent a second request for confirmation; deletion of unconfirmed
  projects will happen on september 15th

- Cleaned again the list of confirmed and recent pending
  requests. Total requests processed estimated to 150-160. More than
  200 if you count processing rejections originated from users

- Xavier Nicolovici now has administrator privileges on the web
  interface and is able to fully process project submissions

- Discussed implementation of Mailman remote bindings

- Discussed Arch support and the changes this implies on the control
  of Savannah on source repositories (SFTP access = no control)

- Created and currently testing an SFTP proxy for the above

- Created and tested savannah-announce. Resurrected
  savannah-users. Advertised on the main page

- Attempted to invite all savannah users (~30000) to
  savannah-annouce. Blocked because of Apache's timeout during the
  process that killed the Mailman CGI scripts at around 2200 e-mails
  processed. Waiting for sysadmins to give us access to the exim logs
  to check who received the mail so they do not receive it again when
  we will try again

- Fixed that was not delivering speeches media

- Created configuration files for GNU and non-GNU mailing lists

- Created script to clean commit_prep files

 - The Apache worker (parent) process misteriously died again on
   04/09/2004. The Savannah website was unavailable for approximately
   two hours.  Services were brough back up at roughly 20:00 GMT.
   Currently being investigated.

- Sebastian Weiseler worked on the webui part of the download area

- Fixed the debian passwd package that was restricting group name to
  12 characters

- savannah-root receives again messages to address@hidden
  (which we didn't get before)

- Support requests...


- Make people use savannah-announce and savannah-users, and accept
  more user-originated news on the front page

- Better integrate local changes into Savane (as external 'plug-ins'
  if not generic enough)

- Implement basic Mailman remote list creations

- Continue work on Arch support

- Finish off cvs admin lib (this week!)

The Savannah Hackers

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