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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Scope of backward compatibility

From: Ineiev
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Scope of backward compatibility
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 08:01:27 +0000

On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 01:26:38PM +0900, Jing Luo via Discussions among 
Savannah Hackers, open subscription wrote:
>'s not "we may stop supporting MySQL", because MySQL is already
> unsupported as the status quo is. MariaDB is so great. I love it.

You may mean MySQL support by its developers; I was speaking about
MySQL support in Savane. we consider fixing incompatibilities
with MySQL, therefore we support it.

> Speaking of compatibility, it's not clear what Savane's policy is: I also
> mentioned it in the email I sent to savannah-hackers-private.

The supported versions of dependencies are listed in README; when
unspecified, it usually means that we've never encountered versions
that wouldn't work for us.

> PHP 5.4 was first released in 2012, and even PHP 7.4 was decleared
> EOL in 2022.

Probably you mean support by PHP developers, and that isn't
a very good criterion. Trisquel 10 is still supported, it comes
with PHP 7.4, and Savannah frontend is running Trisquel 10
currently (I shan't mention the distro releases that other
machines like fencepost or internal run).

> Is there a reason that Savane has to maintain its backward
> compatibility with ancient software?

These days, to continue to support old PHP versions is incomparably
easier than to support the new releases, so we'll gain little if we
stop supporting them.

> If Savane's maintainers don't mind maintaining ancient software, that's fine
> too; if we want to clearly define a scope, this would be an example:
> "everything included in Trisquel 9 or Debian 10". Another thing to consider
> is Savane's downstream, and currently the only publicly known downstream (?)
> is Puszcza's fork, which uses the 3.1 cleaned up version.

The most important "downstream" are private local instances
of testers. for example, occasionally I run Savane on a machine
that simply can't boot Trisquel 9.

> Btw, Puszcza introduced git homepage support a few years ago.

You must be confusing it with some other feature.

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