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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] After the move of svn service :: Commit lo

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] After the move of svn service :: Commit log and url til browse svn
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 15:42:34 -0700
User-agent: NeoMutt/20161126 (1.7.1)

Hello Sigurd,

Sigurd Nes wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > I have installed the program.  I would like to test the program.  Is
> > the lastest revision you commited 16148?  If so then I will trigger
> > the hook script manually as a test.
> The hook is now picking up nicely (I only miss the 16148)

I manually triggered the notify script for 16148 and it sent out a
mail for it too.  This allowed me to observe some warning messages
from the SVN::Notify module that I will fix.

> >> 2) also the the menuitem for "Browse Sources Repository" points in the 
> >> wrong
> >> direction
> From where I stand:
> The urls (two of them) is pointing to:

Oh.  The svn links point to cvs.  "viewcvs" in the above should be
"viewvc" for svn.  Yes.  That looks to have been a long standing bug
that worked accidentally in the previous system.  Since it was working
that bug was never found and fixed.  I assume by now a lot of people
will have incorrect bookmarks.  I will try to set that up as a

Done.  I have set up legacy redirects for the /viewvcs links from
Savannah over to the newer /viewvc currently supported by ViewVC
(formerly known as ViewCVS).  I will leave it as a TODO item that the
Savannah web site needs to be updated.


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