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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] /etc/aliases on internal?

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] /etc/aliases on internal?
Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 16:17:46 -0400

Hello Bob,

> On May 7, 2016, at 15:34, BobH Proulx <address@hidden> wrote:
> Anyone know any details about the /etc/aliases file on internal?  It
> is a very long full list of addresses.

I have some bits and piece,
from when I tried to assemble the "SavannahInternals" page 
( ), though the 
information there seems somewhat out dated.

Looking at the "Cron job on vcs" section on this page mentions "sv_aliases" 
script in "/etc/cron.d/sv" which rebuilds /etc/aliases.

checking now in internal:/etc/cron.d/sv I see something similar:
################################################ MAIL RELATED
# Commented, since there is no mail service at savannah
# List of mail-/etc/aliases must be rebuild regularly 
#*/10 * * * *   root    sv_aliases --cron
# This, plus create a file full of address@hidden to override the sender (and 
avoid SRS- or SPF- issues)
*/10 * * * *    root    sv_aliases --cron && sed -e '/# Savannah include 
start/,/# Savannah include end/s/\([^:]\+\): .*/\1: address@hidden/' 
/etc/email-addresses -e 's,This is /etc/email-addresses,DO NOT EDIT - GENERATED 
FROM email-addresses.,' > /etc/email-addresses_SENDER

So even though the comments said "commented", there is an enabled call to 

Hope this helps, I can try to investigate further.

 - assaf

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