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[Savannah-hackers-public] Assaf's SAE regexp remote method

From: Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] Assaf's SAE regexp remote method
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 23:49:45 -0300

Hello Assaf!

First of all, let me congratulate you for the Savannah Automatic
Evaluator (SAE, or whatever it should be called) of yours --- quite
impressive!  I think it's a tool that deserves Savannah hackers'
attention, because even in a prototypical stage it can be significantly
helpful for their evaluation tasks.  I'm CC'ing the Savannah hacker's
mailing list because I think this SAE subject is of interest for them.
Please, forgive me if that's not the case.

I decided to use the SAE to do my evaluations so I can speed them up
and help to test and improve the tool.

For instance, when evaluating the blimpserver[1] submission I saw that
SAE detects XML files as "not-text" and skips the license check on
them.  That's not correct as XML may be handcrafted source.

Then I went to your online remote SAE service[2] so I could run it on
blimpserver's source tree and easily point you to the results in my
bug report, but found out two problems preventing me from using it:
zip is yet not supported and the address Savannah gives to the package

which doesn't match the expected regular expression


Why not just fetch whatever is at the given URL and then run 'file -i'
on it and only then discriminate for the method of access?

Let's discuss about and improve SAE while working on the evaluations.




 ,= ,-_-. =.  Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix) [0x28D618AF]
((_/)o o(\_))
 `-'(. .)`-'  irc://
     \_/      xmpp:address@hidden

GNU ccd2cue maintainer
GNU web translation team coordinator (Brazilian Portuguese)
GNU audio and video maintainer
DMOZ free software editor (Portuguese)

[GNU DISCLAIMER] I'm a GNU hacker, but my views don't necessarily
match those of the GNU project.  Hereby I express my own opinion,
style and perception, in good faith, aiming the betterment of GNU.

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