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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr commit notifications [was Re: VM vcs u

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr commit notifications [was Re: VM vcs upgraded (mostly)]
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 23:51:49 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Glenn Morris wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > In theory bzr wasn't upgraded.  The package manager thinks it has
> > 2.1.2-1 installed and there isn't an upgrade for it in Stable so there
> > shouldn't have been any changes.  The log doesn't show any changes to
> > it.  However bzr itself reports 2.6b2 so I know that it is out of sync
> > with the package manager.  I don't know when that was installed.
> It used to be 2.5, AFAIK.
> That was fairly important, since older bzr versions were slower.
> The last release is 2.5.1, a minor bug fix.
> 2.6 is still in beta (and seems likely to stay there).
> I don't know where 2.6b2 would have come from.
> Maybe staying with 2.5 would have been better.

Probably.  When there was the initial problem I put out the call for
help and Michael responded to the call and jumped in and fixed that
part of the system.  He should know the details best.  He may have
upgraded it to 2.6 at that time.  I don't know.

Debian Wheezy 7 is scheduled for release next weekend May 4th.  After
we sort out the issues we learned from this Squeeze "point release
security upgrade" I will want to upgrade the machine to Wheezy 7.
Wheezy 7 has bzr 2.6.0~bzr6526-1 in it at this time.  Being the new
Stable release it will definitely have a lot of users of it.  I am
sure that if problems were found and fixed before that they would
after that point.  Upgrading to it will be good because it will wash
out some of the customizations and it will then be on the security
team supported track which would be good.  It would simplify things
somewhat and simple is always good.

Monday morning there was a small bit of discussion on IRC about simply
going directly to Wheezy 7 in order to get the newer bits.  But it was
only brief discussion because almost certainly that would break other
stuff since with that many things on the system will move to new API
versions.  It has just been mentioned in passing and we let it pass. :-) 
But pretty soon that will be the thing to do.


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