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[Savannah-hackers-public] Re: monitoring

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] Re: monitoring
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:26:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060403


I have been busy as well these days, so I suggest we recontact each
others with available free time :)



On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 08:53:28PM +0100, Dave Love wrote:
> [Sorry I haven't been keeping up.]
> Sylvain Beucler <address@hidden> writes:
> > [Joshua (from the FSF admins team) recently mentioned they do have a
> > monitoring system, eg detecting that Apache was not replying yesterday
> > during a small DoS. I suppose it would be difficult for us to have
> > access there, so redundancy is not an issue :)]
> I could talk to him about it, if that's useful.  Depending on what
> they're running, it may be possible to have different admin access to
> different services.
> >> Cfengine can probably help with things like directory permissions and
> >> cleaning up lock files etc.  I'm not sure about something like
> >> viewcvs, but cfengine can take action depending on running or
> >> non-running processes.
> >
> > Ok, can we work on this kind on monitoring? How do you see things?
> What I've tended to do is try to automate a defence every time
> something goes wrong, so it's a question of what the common problems
> are and tackling them if it' easy.  Things like directory/file
> permissions and cleaning up directories should be straightforward,
> though I don't know how well it scales for large numbers of
> directories.
> > I tried something hand-made. It cannot detect all failures without
> > human supervision because CVS doesn't return appropriate return codes
> > sometimes:
> >
> >
> > Is there's a cleaner way to do it?
> I'll have a look later, at least from the point of automation.  I'm
> probably no more expert with CVS.
> >> Don't you do rate-limiting with iptables to combat that?  I did try to
> >> look at the firewalling, but that needs more privilege.
> >
> > No we don't, though Steven said he would search a script of his next
> > week that is supposed to do so :) I saw a couple interesting options
> > in the iptables manpages (though Sarge doesn't have connlimit) - feel
> > free to share your knowledge.
> Actually, I just realized that you probably don't want to do the
> straight rate-limiting with iptables because you can get rapid
> connexions from cvs over ssh, for instance.
> <URL:> is one summary of
> defences.
> > I think most sensible issue is that we don't actually know if we have
> > such abuses.
> I'd be surprised if you don't :-/.  You're probably not vulnerable to
> that (apart from denial of service) since you don't allow password
> login as far as I know.
> Sorry I probably can't look much more at things until after Easter --
> so much for thinking I had the spare time!  I'll try to put more
> effort in then, though.

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