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Happy New Year unreleased version 2.6.0

From: EricZolf
Subject: Happy New Year unreleased version 2.6.0
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2024 11:14:16 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird


I've just pushed the latest unreleased version v2.6.0 [1], with accordingly updated changelog [2]. The main purpose of this unreleased version is to mark the latest point where the API 201, compatible with v2.2.x of rdiff-backup, has been kept intact.

Hence you're called to test that it's really the case, and validate that it works against 2.2.whatever you are currently using.

From now on, I'll start to simplify and (hopefully) improve the code without caring about compatibility (but still keeping the API under control, have no fear!), until we'll come to version v3.0 (and API 300), which should make it simpler for me, and hopefully others, to add new features.

Under the hood, I've already modernized (Python versions, pyproject.toml, etc) and completed our test suite (use of black and bandit), progressing our OpenSSF compliance from 81% (IIRC) to 96% [3], and paving the way for the evolutions to come.

And, last but not least, I wanted to thank our faithful users and wish them all a Happy New Year 2024, independently if you follow or not the Gregorian calendar!

KR, Eric

[1] https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/tree/v2.6.0%2Bunreleased
[2] https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/blob/v2.6.0%2Bunreleased/CHANGELOG.adoc#new-in-v2-6-0-never-released
[3] https://www.bestpractices.dev/en/projects/6072

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