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New Feature – File or Folder deletion from a repository

From: Patrik Dufresne
Subject: New Feature – File or Folder deletion from a repository
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 08:06:51 -0400


I am proud to announce the integration of a new feature in rdiff-backup
which allows the deletion of a file or directory and its history. This
topic was submitted by this mailing list in November 2019. Various scripts
were provided by the community to accomplish this task however none of them
supported all the variables and the quality requirement to be officially
part of rdiff-backup source code.

Thanks to our sponsors, I’ve been able to complete the development of this
feature and its integration into rdiff-backup source code.

This feature will be made available in the next rdiff-backup release
(planned later this year as version 2.2.0). If you are impatient to test
this new feature, it’s possible for you to install the executable version

-o /usr/local/bin/rdiff-backup-delete
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rdiff-backup-delete
rdiff-backup-delete <path/to/be/deleted>

The executable “rdiff-backup-delete” is compatible with Python2 and Python3
to allow usage on ancient OS making use of rdiff-backup v1.2.8.

I will conclude this announcement, by inviting all other companies that
want to sponsor rdiff-backup development or other related projects like
rdiffweb <https://github.com/ikus060/rdiffweb> or minarca
<https://github.com/ikus060/minarca> to contact me at

Patrik Dufresne Service Logiciel inc.
130 rue Doris
St-Colomban, QC J5K 1T9
[image: vcs]

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