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Re: [RP] [PATCH] more correct cmd_help()

From: Matt Garriott
Subject: Re: [RP] [PATCH] more correct cmd_help()
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 13:04:14 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

I think that my personal way of handling keymaps may have influenced my
original idea a resolution to this problem.

I personally use several different 'root' style keymaps that contain
related functionality. I then give these keymaps escape sequences just
like the root keymap using a statement like this in my ratpoisonrc file:

definekey top M-w readkey work

Using keymaps in this way led me to believe that when running the :help
command for a different keymap that the 'Command Key' should display
that specific keymap's escape sequence. So for example running the
command `:help work` should display "Command Key: M-w".

Upon reflection I don't think that my original idea would work as I had
thought, because not everyone uses keymaps the same way that I do.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with treating the root keymap
as a special case, and I don't know that there would be a reliable way
to display a non-root keymap's escape sequence. That being said I think
that your implementation may be the most optimal solution at this time.


On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 06:57:17PM +0100, Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas wrote:
> Matt Garriott <address@hidden> writes:
> > Jérémie,
> >
> > I think this change is a perfectly acceptable way to handle the "Command
> > Key" situation (thanks for asking my opinion!).
> Well, it's "better" but is it optimal?  People that dislike the special
> case made for the root keymap should suggest other ways of handling
> keymaps.
> > And thanks for the tip about html in emails, it gave me the motivation
> > I've been needing to really start learning to use Mutt (something I've
> > been meaning to do for a while).
> Hehe, have fun.
> > -Matt
> -- 
> Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas
> GPG Key fingerprint: 61DB D9A0 00A4 67CF 2A90  8961 6191 8FBF 06A1 1494

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