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Re: [RP] Info about workspaces

From: Marcin Kłapkowski
Subject: Re: [RP] Info about workspaces
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 13:05:25 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Hatem Nassrat pisze:
2009/4/18 Marcin Kłapkowski <address@hidden>:
I want to switch trought workspaces. Something as next workspace or and prev
I didn't find it in rpws unfortunatelly.

Actually if you download the latests rpws script from the git repo,
under contrib/rpws you should be able to use C-M-Left and C-M-Right to
move next and prev workspace. Where normally C = Ctrl and M = Alt (and
left = aleft arrow key, ...). Ofcourse you only get these keybindings
if you ran rpws with the -k option in your .ratposionrc

You have right. It works. But I didn't have idea about that.
A little manual or brief should be helpfull a lot. Maybe one page with standard keyboard shorcuts of ratpoison. I think about all users of ratpoison of course. Better... In 'ratpoison key bindings' at 'C-t ?' should be all info about rpws shortcuts, shouldn't be?
But I leave it to your opinion.

Thanks a lot.

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