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[RP] some feature requests

From: Aaron Griffin
Subject: [RP] some feature requests
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 17:46:47 -0600

Just some random "I wish I could" features here... I don't know the
codebase, so have no idea what's feasible or not, or what can be done
via scripting (please note: if any of these things can be achieved
with the current build via scripting or something, let me know)

* Status bar similar to screen's caption/hardstatus lines.  While
something similar can be done currently, it requires some
splits/resizes plus a 'dedicated' setting which fails after a C-t,Q. 
It'd just be nice to have a permanent bar for window listing or
something along those lines.

* Ability to toggle transient mode.  This one is harder to explain,
but when I'm already in firefox, I'd like to force all additional
firefox windows to be marked as transient, so that certain popups
remain their initial size.  For example, I use the del.icio.us plugin
for firefox alot, and having the popup maximize itself is a bit
irritating, especially when I want to see the page to fill out the
'description' field.

* Virtual desktops / workspaces / whatever you call it.  Right now, I
use groups for this, and it works great if you're only using maximized
windows, however, throw in a split, an gnext/gprev will switch the
group *in that split* only.  This behavior doesn't seem all that
intuitive, at least to me.

* Attach/Detach windows, similar to the way wmi/wmii does it - it
allows for easy movement of windows in splits, groups, and more...
detach one window, move to where you want, and attach it.

* An 'exec' menu similar to vim's wildmenu.  This would be *very* nice
to have, though this can be done in a seperate app, it'd be quicker if
the completions were cached inside ratpoison... though I guess you
could always have an external app never die, but just unmap itself...

That's all I have for now... if more come to mind, I'll append to this thread..

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