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Re: [RP] Frame border color

From: Martin Samuelsson
Subject: Re: [RP] Frame border color
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:14:07 +0200
User-agent: mutt-ng 1.5.9-r271i (Debian)

Göran Gustafsson @ 2005-09-02 (Friday), 22:22 (+0200)
> I was just wondering if there are any plans on implementing something like
> defbordercolor. I actually thought it was kind of odd when i realised there
> was no such thing, i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty and fix it myself but
> i plain and simply just can't since i'm not really great when it comes to C.

There's no need to know C. All you need is a script like the following
in your $HOME/.ratpoison/bordercolor 

        echo "*borderColor: $1"|xrdb -merge

and a line like this in your .ratpoisonrc

        alias defbordercolor exec $HOME/.ratpoison/bordercolor

At least that works for me when testing with xterm, xlogo and urxvt.
Normally I have my border set to zero.

Does it do what you wanted?

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