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Re: [RP] binding hyper

From: Aaron Griffin
Subject: Re: [RP] binding hyper
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 13:45:32 -0500

On 8/23/05, Nazri Ramliy <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 8/24/05, Aaron Griffin <address@hidden> wrote:
> > I can't seem to find the proper syntax anywhere to bind to my left
> > windows key...can anyone point me in the right direction?
> 1. Let X treat the key as it would any other key using xmodmap, add
> this line to your ~/.Xmodmap:
>   keycode 115=F13
> that 115 is the keycode that you'd find out by running xev, F13 is the
> next available keysym.  you can use F14, F15 etc.
> 2. run xmodmap - < ~/.Xmodmap from your .xinitrc/.ratpoisonrc
> 3. Now you can map it like this in your ratpoisonrc:
>   definekey top F15 exec ratpoison -c 'echo Windows key'

Well blimey! I guess I should have written the message a bit more
clearly.  Thanks for this, as it could be useful later on.  What I
should have asked was:
I can't seem to find the syntax for using the windows key as a
modifier... if I want to do:
definekey top <WindowsKey>-s vsplit
What's the syntax for <WindowsKey>? I can never recall if it's
Mod4/Hyper/Super/Mega/Ultra ... what's the proper version in RP?

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