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Re: [RP] Outdated wiki command list

From: Bernhard R. Link
Subject: Re: [RP] Outdated wiki command list
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 12:13:21 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

* Shawn Betts <address@hidden> [050106 07:45]:
> The ratpoison docs are now released under the free documentation
> license. Isn't the wiki the same license? That *probably* means they
> can mix without problems. But you may wanna read more about the
> license. In any case, I won't sue anybody :).

Is there a chance to get the documentation dual-licenced GPL/GFDL, so
that it is also available via a free software licence?

Some hints about the wiki: as the wiki is GFDL according to the text on
the bottom but does not fulfill the requirements of the GFDL (it does
not *include* the licence) things cannot be put there from someone who
is not the copyright owner of that things.

Another problem are patches put in the wiki. Be sure to not put patches
*in* the wiki without consent of the author. (As ratpoison is GPL, and
G"F"DL is GPL-incompatible)

        Bernhard R. Link

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