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Re: [RP] Cameron's xinerama patch in CVS & Usability

From: Cameron Patrick
Subject: Re: [RP] Cameron's xinerama patch in CVS & Usability
Date: Fri Feb 27 03:33:11 2004
User-agent: Mutt/

twb wrote:

| :fdump and :fselect use the current screen; using a script and
| :screens to work for all screens.  This way you can move framesets
| between screens.

Yup.  Especially with 'scrselect' (was this patch merged too?) to get
all the functionality that fdump'ing all monitors anyway.  I intend to
write a kind-of-multi-desktop script along these lines at some point.

BTW on a non-dual-head-related note, one thing I wouldn't mind seeing
in ratpoison would be the ability to force certain windows to go into
certain frames.  Then I could have a script set up a GIMP frame set
with one frame on the big monitor for the image and a few frames on
the smaller monitor for the toolbar and other misc windows.  I'd have
to think a bit more about the exact semantics of it though.


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