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Re: [RP] ANSI escape sequences

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] ANSI escape sequences
Date: Sun Nov 23 13:28:02 2003
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Benno <address@hidden> writes:

> A long time ago now I posted a message about adding support for ANSI
> escape sequences in the ratpoison bar. Attached is a patch against
> current CVS. IMO this simplifies the bar code, simplifies a lot of
> printing elswhere (there are a lot of calls to marked_message_printf,
> which just take 0, 0 as the first parameters), and provides a more
> generic output mechanism.
> I find it useful when I do ':exec ratpoison -c "echo `ls --color`"'.
> Also useful for scripts I have that use the bar to pop-up an alert, 
> which is more attention grabbing when it is in colour.

Hi Benno,

I was reluctant to add this patch just because it seemed
so...excessive :). ANSI colors in rp's message bar?

I'm intrigued, though. I like the part where it cleans up the bar
code. That's a good thing. But I'm having trouble finding use cases
where ansi colors are really needed. Can you supply some more
convincing ones?

What do other people think about this patch?

I noticed that in columnar mode the 'windows' command only draws the
bar to the end of the window's name, not to the end of the message
bar. Can you fix this?


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