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[RP] Re: resize patch

From: Henrik Enberg
Subject: [RP] Re: resize patch
Date: Wed Feb 12 11:43:04 2003
User-agent: Gnus/5.090016 (Oort Gnus v0.16) Emacs/21.3.50

Ryan Yeske <address@hidden> writes:

> Hey guys,
> I must say, I just cvs updated and checked out this new :resize
> feature, and its pretty neat!  It almost makes split screen useful.  
> A couple comments though:
> * There is no indication that you have entered resize mode.  Perhaps a
>   message should pop up indicating the change of state.  Depending on
>   how verbose we want to be, one of (maybe based on some verbosity
>   setting):
>   - "resize mode: C-n for deeper, C-p for shallower, C-f for wider, C-b for 
> narrower, ENTER to quit"
>   - "resize mode: ENTER to quit"
>   - "resize mode"
>   - ""

I think that would become a bit annoying after the first few times, but
as long as you can turn it off...

>   In addition, we ought to use another cursor to indicate that we are
>   in a new state.  XC_sizing looks like a good one to me.

Yeah, I remember planning to do that when writing it, but I guess I
forgot.  Unless someone beats me to it, I'll bang up a patch this

> * C-g and ESC should take you out of resize mode.  Think emacs or vi
>   here; if you get confused about where you are you hit C-g or ESC to
>   return to a known state.  Or perhaps it should be kept the way it
>   is, and instead C-g should cancel the action, returning your windows
>   to their original sizes before you did :resize.  

Sounds like a good idea.  I'll do that too.

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