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Re: [RP] New user question

From: Simon White
Subject: Re: [RP] New user question
Date: Tue Oct 22 12:13:15 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

22-Oct-02 at 11:46, Brian M. Hayes (address@hidden) wrote :
> I know this may be a newbie question but we all have to start
> somewhere.
> I just installed the ratpoison on my machine and I can't seem to get it
> to run. 
> I always get the message "can't open display"
> I shut down the KDE window mangager so I don't know why I wouldn't be
> able to use the default(F7) window for ratpoison.
> I "set DISPLAY=<My-IP>:0.0 and "export DISPLAY" and then I just run
> "ratpoison".
> I'm sure there is something simple I'm missing but I don't know what.

Try setting a file in your home directory called .xinitrc and putting a
single line in it:

exec ratpoison

Make a backup of the file that is there if it exists, so that you can
get KDE back :)

Then just hit

$ startx

[Simon White. vim/mutt. address@hidden GIMPS:45.60% see www.mersenne.org]
How to ask Questions the Smart Way, by Eric S. Raymond. Including before
you ask, when you ask, how to interpret answers, and on not reacting like
a loser -- http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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