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Re: Ratpoison FAQ2 (Re: [RP] Dead keys now working / Documentation)

From: Scott Barron
Subject: Re: Ratpoison FAQ2 (Re: [RP] Dead keys now working / Documentation)
Date: Thu Oct 17 12:59:04 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 07:44:31PM +0000, Simon White wrote:
> 17-Oct-02 at 14:50, Scott Barron (address@hidden) wrote :
> Please give me some pointers to save me looking it up - I don't need it
> on my box so I never did it.

OK, here's a URL to a little HOWTO for setting up WM sessions on a
Mandrake (9.0 at least, can't speak for anything earlier) system.  If a
FAQ or whatever is created, feel free to use any or all of this in it,
or copy and distribute (or delete) this to your heart's content.



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