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Re: [RP] Second keypress falls through

From: Jesper Holmberg
Subject: Re: [RP] Second keypress falls through
Date: Sun Oct 21 15:36:13 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.23i

* On Sun Oct 21, shawn wrote:
> when #2 happens before #3 is when things mess up. The race condition
> is between ratpoison switching windows and the user hitting the second
> keystroke.

Hmmm, interesting. But I don't think I fully understand: how come
ratpoison never misses the first key stroke, but sometimes the second?
In other words, why does it not capture and keep the second key stroke
until it can be analyzed? Not trying to criticize here, just to better


          Jesper Holmberg            |"But how can |
  address@hidden   | one be warm |
ENST Br, BP 832, 29285 Brest, FRANCE | alone?"     |

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