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Re: [RP] Re: bugs?

From: Mike Meyer
Subject: Re: [RP] Re: bugs?
Date: Wed Oct 10 04:09:11 2001

shawn <address@hidden> types:
> Mike Meyer <address@hidden> writes:
> > bind T exec ratpoison -c vsplit -c vsplit -c vsplit -c focusright -c 
> > focusright -c vsplit -c focusright -c vsplit -c focusright -c focusright -c 
> > hsplit -c focusdown -c remove
> > 
> > That reliably leaves the lower right-hand corner out of the frame list.
> Now THAT'S a bug report! Ok, bug has been identified...fixing...

I've worked support long enough to know what a bug report looks like
:-). The comment before wasn't a report, just a question.

And I'll confirm the fix in the CVS version.

> I'm pretty sure I know why this is...just don't have time what with
> silly school assignments and junk.

Before I make an assumption, I guess I should ask - what's the normal
way for submitting patches? I figured sending them to the developer's
list would do, but there's no indication that this works. Or are they
sitting in a mailbox waiting for testing? If so, you might check with
me for the latest version when you have time to test them.

>  /home/sabetts/src/ratpoison/src/ratpoison 1>/tmp/rplog 2>&1
> then /tmp/rplog contains all ratpoison output. When a problem arises I
> open the file and start reading...I assume that if you empty the file
> periodically the debug output will still accumulate:

That's pretty much what I did. It filled the 128 meg on my temp
partition. I suppose I should put it elsewhere, the 128 meg filled up
fast enough that this doesn't make me exactly estatic.

> $ >/tmp/rplog
> should empty it...

Yes, and no. The problem is that the fd that rp has still points 120+
meg into the file, so that's where the next write goes, and Unix
happily creates a file with a "hole" from the beginning out to that
point. That lowers the disk usage, but you still have to deal with all
those nulls.

I'll try to poke at it some today.

Mike Meyer <address@hidden>                     http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Q: How do you make the gods laugh?              A: Tell them your plans.

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