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Re: [RP] Meta/Generate and misc things

From: Gergely Nagy
Subject: Re: [RP] Meta/Generate and misc things
Date: Thu Oct 4 10:50:03 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.22i

Thus spoke Mike Meyer <address@hidden> on 2001-10-04 11:53:11:
> Second, could someone provide a pointer to the current version of
> ratmenu? I found 1.0, but I saw mention of a 1.1 being available.

Version 1.4 is the latest,
http://reactor-core.org/~djw/ratmenu-1.4.tar.gz, iirc.

> Finally, I whipped up a small shell script "ratpoison-get-a" (see
> below). It implements one of my favorite behaviors for commands: if
> I've got one somewhere, just get that window. If I don't have one, run
> the command. The problem is that running ratpoison twice to do this
> seems a bit heavy. If I'm the only one who likes this idea, it's
> probably immaterial.

Well, executing a command with ratpoison -c is really fast, and
doesn't require too much memory, it is handled on the first couple of
paragraphs of `main'..

I think it would be an overkill to implement a method that would
implement scripting _in_ ratpoison. It's far easier and more
lightweight to do it this way, imho.

However, I like your script, it could be added to the contrib/
directory in cvs :)

Gergely Nagy \ mhp/|8]

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