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Re: [RP] Is 0.0.6 near ?

From: Ryan Yeske
Subject: Re: [RP] Is 0.0.6 near ?
Date: 10 Feb 2001 12:21:29 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.97

Gergely Nagy <address@hidden> writes:

> Thus spoke Ryan Yeske <address@hidden> on 2001-02-10 11:34:09:
> >
> > What kinds of things to you have to commit into the debian dir?
> > (Sorry, I don't know anything about the debianization process.)
> >
> debian/changelog mainly :)
> and debian/rules that builds the .deb.
> And the manpage should be moved to man/ from debian/, and I
> will change it a bit, to be a nice page.

ya, I was kinda wondering about that myself, I didn't even know there
was a manpage up until a few days ago, as I only install from cvs, via
make && make install, so the manpage never gets installed.

> > Could you briefly explain what kind of changes to the core source
> > affect you?  I am just rewriting some of the functions that have
> > hardcoded window length values, does this type of thing affect you?
> Not really. ./configure is what really matters. For example --with-debug
> (or --enable-debug or something) worked differently in 0.0.5 as it
> does now.

what is the difference?
> > I assume when you say 'freeze' you mean no more feature additions?  If
> > so I agree.
> That's what I meant. Say, a few hours so I can make my changes :)
> BTW, I'm only on the net on evenings, and not every day.

OK.  Shawn hinted at the fact that he might be hacking on ratpoison
this weekend, so I don't know when a good time would be.  Let's wait
to hear what he has to say...


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