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Re: [Ranger-users] Thorough tutorial

From: Jan Knížek
Subject: Re: [Ranger-users] Thorough tutorial
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 12:17:25 +0200
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Well, I have learnt (and still doing) it from a cheatsheet: http://ranger.nongnu.org/cheatsheet.png

I usually look at the bindings in the cheatsheet and if I find one, that I am not sure what it is for, I just try to press it in Ranger. Also, press ? in ranger and then c for commands. That's probably all you need. Unfortunately, not all commands are documented - this should be done.

OK, wiki may be improved.

* You're right. Tagging files needs some improvements (AFAIK, you can't use tagged files directly in ranger commands, but list of files is available in global variable %t, so you can do something like: `:shell cp %t directory` or even `:delete %t`. I don't know how to add tagged files to the buffer).

* Is there anything more you're missing? I can't think of anything.



On 30.8.2016 23:14, Italo Cunha wrote:

Would be interested in an in-depth tutorial too.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:38 PM, John Z. <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    Hi everyone,
        I am looking for a thorough tutorial for Ranger. I'm using it for
    about 2 months now and I feel like I'm barely scraping the surface of
    what's possible.
        I've read the man page and keybindings, and read few
    webpages I managed to find (one explained very useful bulk rename) but
    for example, while I know how to tag files - I still don't know how to
    then use tagged files, for example select them all, or deselect them
    inside a selection, move them, copy them, etc...
        This is, I suppose, just the tip of the iceberg.

        Thanks in advance.

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