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Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch 02/26] Eliminate or replace blank lines.

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: Re: [Quilt-dev] [patch 02/26] Eliminate or replace blank lines.
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2018 17:39:30 -0400
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

At 2018-06-17T22:26:00+0200, Jean Delvare wrote:
> Hi Branden,

Hi Jean!

> Hmmm. I see the improvement in the formatted output, but the absence
> of blank lines in the man page "source" make it pretty hard to read
> now. I would appreciate some form of spacing at least before each
> section to make it easier to navigate whenever a developer needs to
> edit the document. Does roff provide no way to achieve this?

It does!  There are a few possible approaches, which are not mutually

The empty request (just a dot on a line by itself) can be used for
vertically spacing the input.  Here are some conventions, all of which
I've seen in groff's own man page corpus.  For instance, I'll put a
segment of pfbtops(1) at the end of this message.

There are 3 features of note in it.

1. A single empty request is used between sentences;
2. Two empty requests are used between paragraphs; and
3. The empty request plus a comment of a line-spanning set of equals
   signs marks off a section.

In principle the break-suppressing escape character (') could also be
drafted into service for structuring the input, but in practice I have
not seen that done, and I fear it would confuse non-expert consumers of
the source.

What would you like to see in quilt's man pages?

.\" ====================================================================
.\" ====================================================================
.B pfbtops
translates a PostScript font in
.B .pfb
format to ASCII, splitting overlong lines in text packets into smaller
.I pfb_file
is omitted the pfb file will be read from the standard input.
The ASCII format PostScript font will be written on the standard output.
PostScript fonts for MS-DOS are normally supplied in
.B .pfb
The resulting ASCII format PostScript font can be used with groff.


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