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Re: [PATCH v1 02/21] tests: correct typos

From: Pavel Dovgalyuk
Subject: Re: [PATCH v1 02/21] tests: correct typos
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:57:50 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Reviewed-by: Pavel Dovgalyuk <Pavel.Dovgalyuk@ispras.ru>

On 20.02.2024 11:52, Manos Pitsidianakis wrote:
Correct typos automatically found with the `typos` tool

Signed-off-by: Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@linaro.org>
  tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2 | 2 +-
  tests/avocado/mem-addr-space-check.py         | 6 +++---
  tests/avocado/reverse_debugging.py            | 2 +-
  3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2 
index fc623de072..5868a7137a 100644
--- a/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2
+++ b/tests/avocado/acpi-bits/bits-tests/smbios.py2
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ class EventLogDescriptor(unpack.Struct):
              0x16: 'Log Area Reset/Cleared',
              0x17: 'System boot',
              xrange(0x18, 0x7F): 'Unused, available for assignment',
-            xrange(0x80, 0xFE): 'Availalbe for system- and OEM-specific 
+            xrange(0x80, 0xFE): 'Available for system- and OEM-specific 
              0xFF: 'End of log'
          yield 'log_type', u.unpack_one('B'), unpack.format_table("{}", 
diff --git a/tests/avocado/mem-addr-space-check.py 
index 363c3f12a6..af019969c0 100644
--- a/tests/avocado/mem-addr-space-check.py
+++ b/tests/avocado/mem-addr-space-check.py
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def test_phybits_low_tcg_q35_70_amd(self):
          For q35-7.0 machines, "above 4G" memory starts are 4G.
          pci64_hole size is 32 GiB. Since TCG_PHYS_ADDR_BITS is defined to
          be 40, TCG emulated CPUs have maximum of 1 TiB (1024 GiB) of
-        directly addressible memory.
+        directly addressable memory.
          Hence, maxmem value at most can be
          1024 GiB - 4 GiB - 1 GiB per slot for alignment - 32 GiB + 0.5 GiB
          which is equal to 987.5 GiB. Setting the value to 988 GiB should
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def test_phybits_low_tcg_q35_71_amd(self):
          AMD_HT_START is defined to be at 1012 GiB. So for q35 machines
          version > 7.0 and AMD cpus, instead of 1024 GiB limit for 40 bit
          processor address space, it has to be 1012 GiB , that is 12 GiB
-        less than the case above in order to accomodate HT hole.
+        less than the case above in order to accommodate HT hole.
          Make sure QEMU fails when maxmem size is 976 GiB (12 GiB less
          than 988 GiB).
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ def test_phybits_ok_tcg_q35_71_amd_41bits(self):
          :avocado: tags=arch:x86_64
AMD processor with 41 bits. Max cpu hw address = 2 TiB.
-        Same as above but by setting maxram beween 976 GiB and 992 Gib,
+        Same as above but by setting maxram between 976 GiB and 992 Gib,
          QEMU should start fine.
          self.vm.add_args('-S', '-cpu', 'EPYC-v4,phys-bits=41',
diff --git a/tests/avocado/reverse_debugging.py 
index 4cce5a5598..92855a02a5 100644
--- a/tests/avocado/reverse_debugging.py
+++ b/tests/avocado/reverse_debugging.py
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ def reverse_debugging(self, shift=7, args=None):
          self.check_pc(g, steps[-1])
          logger.info('successfully reached %x' % steps[-1])
- logger.info('exitting gdb and qemu')
+        logger.info('exiting gdb and qemu')
class ReverseDebugging_X86_64(ReverseDebugging):

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