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[PATCH] scripts: Remove the old switch-timer-api script

From: Thomas Huth
Subject: [PATCH] scripts: Remove the old switch-timer-api script
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:20:01 +0100

This script has been useful for the timer API rewrite in 2013, but
it is of no use anymore today. Let's remove it now.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth <thuth@redhat.com>
 scripts/switch-timer-api | 178 ---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 178 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 scripts/switch-timer-api

diff --git a/scripts/switch-timer-api b/scripts/switch-timer-api
deleted file mode 100755
index 41736d11dd..0000000000
--- a/scripts/switch-timer-api
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use FindBin;
-my @legacy = qw(qemu_clock_ptr qemu_get_clock_ns qemu_get_clock_ms 
qemu_register_clock_reset_notifier qemu_unregister_clock_reset_notifier 
qemu_new_timer qemu_free_timer qemu_del_timer qemu_mod_timer_ns qemu_mod_timer 
qemu_run_timers qemu_new_timer_ns qemu_new_timer_us qemu_new_timer_ms);
-my $legacyre = '\b('.join('|', @legacy).')\b';
-my $option_git;
-my $option_dryrun;
-my $option_quiet;
-my $option_rtc;
-my $suffix=".tmp.$$";
-my @files;
-my $getfiles = 'git grep -l -E \'\b((host|rt|vm|rtc)_clock\b|qemu_\w*timer)\' 
| egrep \'\.[ch]$\' | egrep -v \'qemu-timer\.c$|include/qemu/timer\.h$\'';
-sub Syntax
-    print STDERR <<STOP;
-Usage: $FindBin::Script [options] FILE ...
-Translate each FILE to the new QEMU timer API. If no files
-are passed, a reasonable guess is taken.
-  -q, --quiet     Do not show warnings etc
-  -d, --dry-run   Do a dry run
-  -g, --git       Generate a git commit for each change
-  -r, --rtc       Only fix up rtc usage
-  -h, --help      Print this message
-sub ParseOptions
-    if (!GetOptions (
-            "dry-run|d" => \$option_dryrun,
-             "git|g" => \$option_git,
-            "quiet|q" => \$option_quiet,
-            "rtc|r" => \$option_rtc,
-             "help|h" => sub { Syntax(); exit(0); }
-        ))
-    {
-        Syntax();
-        die "Bad options";
-    }
-    if ($#ARGV >=0)
-    {
-       @files = @ARGV;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-       @files = split(/\s+/, `$getfiles`);
-    }
-    foreach my $file (@files)
-    {
-       die "Cannot find $file" unless (-f $file && -r $file);
-    }
-sub DoWarn
-    my $text = shift @_;
-    my $line = shift @_;
-    return if ($option_quiet);
-    chomp ($line);
-    print STDERR "$text\n";
-    print STDERR "$line\n\n";
-sub Process
-    my $ifn = shift @_;
-    my $ofn = $ifn.$suffix;
-    my $intext;
-    my $outtext;
-    my $linenum = 0;
-    open my $input, "<", $ifn || die "Cannot open $ifn for read: $!";
-    while (<$input>)
-    {
-       my $line = $_;
-       $intext .= $line;
-       $linenum++;
-       # fix the specific uses
-       unless ($option_rtc)
-       {
-           $line =~ 
-           $line =~ 
-           $line =~ 
-       }
-       # rtc is different
-       $line =~ 
-       $line =~ s/\bqemu_new_timer\s*\(rtc_clock\b/timer_new(rtc_clock/g;
-       $line =~ 
-       $line =~ 
-       unless ($option_rtc)
-       {
-           # fix up comments
-           $line =~ s/\b(vm_|rt_|host_)clock\b/XXX_$1clock/g if ($line =~ 
m,^[/ ]+\*,);
-           # spurious fprintf error reporting
-           $line =~ s/: qemu_new_timer_ns failed/: timer_new_ns failed/g;
-           # these have just changed name
-           $line =~ s/\bqemu_mod_timer\b/timer_mod/g;
-           $line =~ s/\bqemu_mod_timer_(ns|us|ms)\b/timer_mod_$1/g;
-           $line =~ s/\bqemu_free_timer\b/timer_free/g;
-           $line =~ s/\bqemu_del_timer\b/timer_del/g;
-       }
-       # fix up rtc_clock
-       $line =~ s/QEMUClock \*rtc_clock;/QEMUClockType rtc_clock;/g;
-       $line =~ s/\brtc_clock = (vm_|rt_|host_)clock\b/rtc_clock = 
-       unless ($option_rtc)
-       {
-           # replace any more general uses
-           $line =~ s/\b(vm_|rt_|host_)clock\b/qemu_clock_ptr(XXX_$1clock)/g;
-       }
-       # fix up the place holders
-       $line =~ s/\bXXX_vm_clock\b/QEMU_CLOCK_VIRTUAL/g;
-       $line =~ s/\bXXX_rt_clock\b/QEMU_CLOCK_REALTIME/g;
-       $line =~ s/\bXXX_host_clock\b/QEMU_CLOCK_HOST/g;
-       unless ($option_rtc)
-       {
-           DoWarn("$ifn:$linenum WARNING: timer $1 not fixed up", $line) if 
($line =~ /\b((vm_|rt_|host_)clock)\b/);
-           DoWarn("$ifn:$linenum WARNING: function $1 not fixed up", $line) if 
($line =~ /\b(qemu_new_timer\w+)\b/);
-           DoWarn("$ifn:$linenum WARNING: legacy function $1 remains", $line) 
if ($line =~ /$legacyre/o);
-       }
-       $outtext .= $line;
-    }
-    close $input;
-    if ($intext ne $outtext)
-    {
-       print STDERR "Patching $ifn\n" unless ($option_quiet);
-       unless ($option_dryrun)
-       {
-           open my $output, ">", $ofn || die "Cannot open $ofn for write: $!";
-           print $output $outtext;
-           close $output;
-           rename ($ofn, $ifn) || die "Cannot rename temp file to $ifn: $!";
-           return 1;
-       }
-    }
-    return 0;
-sub DoCommit
-    my $file = shift @_;
-    open (my $git, "| git commit -F - $file") || die "Cannot run git commit on 
$file: $!";
-    print $git "timers api: use new timer api in $file\n\nConvert $file to use 
new timer API.\nThis is an automated commit made by scripts/switch-timer-api\n";
-    close ($git);
-foreach my $file (@files)
-    my $changed = Process ($file);
-    DoCommit($file) if ($changed && $option_git);

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