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[Qemu-ppc] Effective way to test PowerPC lwbrx instruction

From: G 3
Subject: [Qemu-ppc] Effective way to test PowerPC lwbrx instruction
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 14:54:25 -0400

I'm chasing down a bug with QEMU that causes audio to fail on a Mac OS guest. In this file: https://github.com/nixxcode/ AppleUSBAudio-273.4.1/blob/master/AppleUSBAudioClip.cpp is where a lot of assembly language code is located. I think one or more of the PowerPC instructions might be incorrectly implemented so I am checking each one that the file uses. Starting with lwbrx I made this program that gives this instruction sample inputs and checks them with real outputs. According to the program QEMU implements this instruction correctly. Does this program effectively check the lwbrx instruction or is it missing something?

#include <stdio.h>

// instructions to test
// lwbrx, lhbrx, rlwimi, stwbrx, stfiwx, fctiw, fmadd, sthbrx, mffs,
// mtfsf

void test_lwbrx()
// http://www.ds.ewi.tudelft.nl/vakken/in1006/instruction-set/ lwbrx.html
    // rA can be 0, 4, 8, 12
    long index, result, rA;
    const int rB_size = 32;
    long rB[rB_size];
    long *answer_array;
    float total, correct;

    // answers with rA = 0
long answer_array0[] = {0x0, 0x78563412, 0xf0ac6824, 0x68039d36, 0xe059d148, 0x58b0055b, 0xd0063a6d, 0x485d6e7f, 0xc0b3a291, 0x380ad7a3, 0xb0600bb6, 0x28b73fc8, 0xa00d74da, 0x1864a8ec, 0x90badcfe, 0x8111111, 0x80674523, 0xf8bd7935, 0x7014ae47, 0xe86ae259, 0x60c1166c, 0xd8174b7e, 0x506e7f90, 0xc8c4b3a2, 0x401be8b4, 0xb8711cc7, 0x30c850d9, 0xa81e85eb, 0x2075b9fd,
    0x98cbed0f, 0x10222222, 0x88785634};

    // answers with rA = 4
long answer_array4[] = {0x78563412, 0xf0ac6824, 0x68039d36, 0xe059d148, 0x58b0055b, 0xd0063a6d, 0x485d6e7f, 0xc0b3a291, 0x380ad7a3, 0xb0600bb6, 0x28b73fc8, 0xa00d74da, 0x1864a8ec, 0x90badcfe, 0x8111111, 0x80674523, 0xf8bd7935, 0x7014ae47, 0xe86ae259, 0x60c1166c, 0xd8174b7e, 0x506e7f90, 0xc8c4b3a2, 0x401be8b4, 0xb8711cc7, 0x30c850d9, 0xa81e85eb, 0x2075b9fd,
    0x98cbed0f, 0x10222222, 0x88785634, 0x0};

    // answers with rA = 8
long answer_array8[] = {0xf0ac6824, 0x68039d36, 0xe059d148, 0x58b0055b, 0xd0063a6d, 0x485d6e7f, 0xc0b3a291, 0x380ad7a3, 0xb0600bb6, 0x28b73fc8, 0xa00d74da, 0x1864a8ec, 0x90badcfe, 0x8111111, 0x80674523, 0xf8bd7935, 0x7014ae47, 0xe86ae259, 0x60c1166c, 0xd8174b7e, 0x506e7f90, 0xc8c4b3a2, 0x401be8b4, 0xb8711cc7, 0x30c850d9, 0xa81e85eb, 0x2075b9fd, 0x98cbed0f,
    0x10222222, 0x88785634, 0x0, 0x0};

    // answers with rA = 12
long answer_array12[] = {0x68039d36, 0xe059d148, 0x58b0055b, 0xd0063a6d, 0x485d6e7f, 0xc0b3a291, 0x380ad7a3, 0xb0600bb6, 0x28b73fc8, 0xa00d74da, 0x1864a8ec, 0x90badcfe, 0x8111111, 0x80674523, 0xf8bd7935, 0x7014ae47, 0xe86ae259, 0x60c1166c, 0xd8174b7e, 0x506e7f90, 0xc8c4b3a2, 0x401be8b4, 0xb8711cc7, 0x30c850d9, 0xa81e85eb, 0x2075b9fd, 0x98cbed0f, 0x10222222,
    0x88785634, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0};

    // Fill up rB array
    for(index = 0; index < rB_size; index++)
        rB[index] = 0x12345678 * index;

    total = 0;
    correct = 0;

    // Go thru each rA value
    for(rA = 0; rA <=12; rA=rA+4)
        // set the correct answer array for each rA value
        if(rA == 0)
            answer_array = answer_array0;
        else if(rA == 4)
            answer_array = answer_array4;
        else if(rA == 8)
            answer_array = answer_array8;
            answer_array = answer_array12;

        // Go thru each rB value
        for(index = 0; index < rB_size; index++)
asm volatile("lwbrx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "b %" (rA), "r" (&(rB[index]))); printf("lwbrx rA: %d rB: 0x%x result: 0x%x", rA, rB [index], result);
            //printf("0x%x, ", result); // used to make answers


            // check recorded answer with calculated answer
            if(result == answer_array[index]) {
                printf(" correct\n");
            } else {
printf(" WRONG! should be 0x%x\n", answer_array [index]);

    printf("Percent correct: %.2f%c\n", correct/total*100, '%');

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    return 0;

This program was tested on a real PowerPC G3 and G5. The results were 100% when ran in QEMU in a Mac OS 10.4 guest.

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