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Re: [Qemu-discuss] x86 Linux (RHAT) on RaspPi?

From: Jakob Bohm
Subject: Re: [Qemu-discuss] x86 Linux (RHAT) on RaspPi?
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 04:54:09 +0200
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On 25/04/2015 19:38, address@hidden wrote:

i am wondering if it is possible a x86 Linux to run on a rasp? I have an 
application, which is x86 (64bit) compiled and I am looking for a solution to 
run this somehow. So I’ve installed qemu but I don’t know how could I create 
for example a RedHat image (I know odx or vmdisk formats) and how to emulate 

Thanks for the help.

The standard formats used by qemu are qcow2 (qemu-copy-
on-write-2) and raw (just a plain file holding all the
sectors of the disk).  Both formats can take advantage
of the sparse file feature in ext2/ext3/ext4 (etc.) to
not allocate disk/sdcard space for sectors that are all

Blank disk images are created using the tool qemu-img,
run qemu-img --help for a list of operations.  For raw
images, manipulation is done using basic tools such as
dd directly.

ISO files (such as Radhat install CD images) are a
special case of "raw" files and can be used directly.

Disk images can be converted, checked for qcow2-level
errors, copied etc. using other qemu-img subcommands.

The virtual hardware configuration of your virtual x86
PC is specified using command line options to the
qemu-system-i386 or qemu-system-x86_64 program each
time you "power on" the virtual machine.  qemu-system
exits when the virtual machine powers off.  "BIOS"
settings, such as selecting a boot drive are command
line options too.

qemu-system also has a "monitor" interface, which is a
separate command line where you can do stuff such as
virtually inserting/removing CDs (ISO files), simulate
a press of the power button, create snapshots of the
virtual machine etc.

There are various GUIs on top of qemu, which provide
other (sometimes easier) ways to do all this, but they
all map back to the raw commands described above.  The
most popular GUI is Red Hat's libvirt, which is in
Debian, and probably in Raspian too.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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