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Re: [Qemu-discuss] exchanging data between guest and host

From: Jakob Bohm
Subject: Re: [Qemu-discuss] exchanging data between guest and host
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:27:36 +0200
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On 6/3/2013 6:14 PM, Fabrizio Pollastri wrote:

a newbie question, I generated an image with "qemu-img create -f qcow2 an.img 10M", then I run qemu with
"qemu -kernel <my_linux_kernel> -initrd <my_rootfs> -hda an.img".
At this point, I expect to be able to access /dev/hda inside the guest, but any command involving hda replies
"No such device or address".
The -hda switch creates /proc/ide/hda as expected.
What I am missing? Thank you in advance.
4 questions:

1. Is <your_linux_kernel> configured to present IDE disks as a kind of SATA/SCSI disk (/dev/sda).

2. Is hda listed in the expected locations under /sys/ ?

3. Does "ls -l /dev/hda" report the correct major and minor device number as listed under /sys/ for hda?

4. Which version of qemu is this, they keep changing the command line syntax so fast even their own documentation cannot keep up.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  http://www.wisemo.com
Transformervej 29, 2730 Herlev, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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