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[Qemu-discuss] Compiling Qemu for independent deployment

From: Lior Vernia
Subject: [Qemu-discuss] Compiling Qemu for independent deployment
Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 23:11:06 +0300

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to compile Qemu (1.4.0, but I'm flexible on the version) to work independently when deployed on a target ARM machine, i.e. with as little dependence as possible on the machine's configuration, and definitely without need for root permissions. I compiled Qemu on a dedicated ARM development machine, packed the dynamic linker and shared libraries with the binaries produced by the compilation (including all files copied when running "make install", like the BIOS binaries) and linked the executables to the shared libraries using relative paths.

When running the compiled executables on the development machine, everything works. When running on a target machine (which I don't know much about), qemu-img works fine for simple operations (displaying help and creating qcow2 image) but qemu-system-i386 exits immediately with return value 1 and no error message.

Any ideas on what the problem could be? Does that behaviour ring a bell? I'm guessing either Qemu tries to use wrong absolute paths from the "make install" I ran on the development machine, or it's missing something that I wasn't aware it needs.

Yours, Lior.

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