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Re: [PATCH v6 1/9] target/riscv: turn write_misa() into an official no-o

From: Daniel Henrique Barboza
Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 1/9] target/riscv: turn write_misa() into an official no-op
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 12:49:11 -0300
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On 2/16/23 22:42, LIU Zhiwei wrote:

On 2023/2/17 5:55, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
At this moment, and apparently since ever, we have no way of enabling
RISCV_FEATURE_MISA. This means that all the code from write_misa(), all
the nuts and bolts that handles how to write this CSR, has always been a
no-op as well because write_misa() will always exit earlier.

This seems to be benign in the majority of cases. Booting an Ubuntu
'virt' guest and logging all the calls to 'write_misa' shows that no
writes to MISA CSR was attempted. Writing MISA, i.e. enabling/disabling
RISC-V extensions after the machine is powered on, seems to be a niche

Before proceeding, let's recap what the spec says about MISA. It is a
CSR that is divided in 3 fields:

- MXL, Machine XLEN, described as "may be writable";

- MXLEN, the XLEN in M-mode, which is given by the setting of MXL or a
fixed value if MISA is zero;

- Extensions is defined as "a WARL field that can contain writable bits
where the implementation allows the supported ISA to be modified"

Thus what we have today (write_misa() being a no-op) is already a valid
spec implementation. We're not obliged to have a particular set of MISA
writable bits, and at this moment we have none.

Hi Daniel,

I see there has been a discussion on this topic. And as no-op has no 
harmfulness for current implementation.
However, I still think we should make misa writable as default, which is also a 
valid spec implementation.

One reason is that may be we need to dynamic write  access for some cpus in the 
future. The other is we should
make QEMU a more useful implementation, not just a legal implementation. We 
have done in many aspects on this direction.

I prefer your implementation before v4. It's not a complicated implementation. 
And I think the other extensions on QEMU currently
can mostly be configurable already.

I don't have a strong opinion in this matter to be honest. My problems with the
existing code are:

- the code is untested. I cannot say that this was never tested, but I can say 
this has been mostly untested ever since introduced. Which is normal for a code 
is 'dormant'.

- the code is dormant and most likely with bugs, but it's still maintained. For
example we have e91a7227 ("target/riscv: Split misa.mxl and misa.ext") that had
to make changes here. So we have the upkeep but no benefits.

- we don't have an use case for it. Most OSes doesn't seem to care, and afaik no
applications seems to care either.

All this said, I think we can reach a consensus of keeping it if we can at 
least come
up with a way of testing it.

Your work is a good step towards to unify the configuration and the check.  I 
think two more steps we can go further.

1) Remove RVI/RVF and the similar macros, and add fields for them in the 
configuration struct.

2) Unify the check about configuration. write_misa and cpu_realize_fn can use 
the same check function.

As we have done these two steps, I think we can go more closely for the profile 

Is this the extension you're taking about?


This looks like a good reason to keep the code. Let's see if anyone else has an 
about it. We can do the improvements you mentioned above as a follow-up (this 
series was
really about removing RISC_FEATURE_*) if we decide to keep it.




Given that allowing the dormant code to write MISA can cause tricky bugs
to solve later on, and we don't have a particularly interesting case of
writing MISA to support today, and we're already not violating the
specification, let's erase all the body of write_misa() and turn it into
an official no-op instead of an accidental one. We'll keep consistent
with what we provide users today but with 50+ less lines to maintain.

RISCV_FEATURE_MISA enum is erased in the process since there's no one
else using it.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <dbarboza@ventanamicro.com>
Reviewed-by: Bin Meng <bmeng@tinylab.org>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Jones <ajones@ventanamicro.com>
  target/riscv/cpu.h |  1 -
  target/riscv/csr.c | 55 ----------------------------------------------
  2 files changed, 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/riscv/cpu.h b/target/riscv/cpu.h
index 7128438d8e..01803a020d 100644
--- a/target/riscv/cpu.h
+++ b/target/riscv/cpu.h
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ enum {
diff --git a/target/riscv/csr.c b/target/riscv/csr.c
index 1b0a0c1693..f7862ff4a4 100644
--- a/target/riscv/csr.c
+++ b/target/riscv/csr.c
@@ -1329,61 +1329,6 @@ static RISCVException read_misa(CPURISCVState *env, int 
  static RISCVException write_misa(CPURISCVState *env, int csrno,
                                   target_ulong val)
-    if (!riscv_feature(env, RISCV_FEATURE_MISA)) {
-        /* drop write to misa */
-        return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
-    }
-    /* 'I' or 'E' must be present */
-    if (!(val & (RVI | RVE))) {
-        /* It is not, drop write to misa */
-        return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
-    }
-    /* 'E' excludes all other extensions */
-    if (val & RVE) {
-        /* when we support 'E' we can do "val = RVE;" however
-         * for now we just drop writes if 'E' is present.
-         */
-        return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
-    }
-    /*
-     * misa.MXL writes are not supported by QEMU.
-     * Drop writes to those bits.
-     */
-    /* Mask extensions that are not supported by this hart */
-    val &= env->misa_ext_mask;
-    /* Mask extensions that are not supported by QEMU */
-    val &= (RVI | RVE | RVM | RVA | RVF | RVD | RVC | RVS | RVU | RVV);
-    /* 'D' depends on 'F', so clear 'D' if 'F' is not present */
-    if ((val & RVD) && !(val & RVF)) {
-        val &= ~RVD;
-    }
-    /* Suppress 'C' if next instruction is not aligned
-     * TODO: this should check next_pc
-     */
-    if ((val & RVC) && (GETPC() & ~3) != 0) {
-        val &= ~RVC;
-    }
-    /* If nothing changed, do nothing. */
-    if (val == env->misa_ext) {
-        return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;
-    }
-    if (!(val & RVF)) {
-        env->mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_FS;
-    }
-    /* flush translation cache */
-    tb_flush(env_cpu(env));
-    env->misa_ext = val;
-    env->xl = riscv_cpu_mxl(env);
      return RISCV_EXCP_NONE;

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